Now that the cooperative has been formed and the basic infrastructure created, we are now seeking funding partners for the next of the bHive journey.
This investment will build on the technology development and communication strategy for the platform to build, test and launch first applications through $140K in grants/donations/philanthropy.
Phase 1
bHive Development Packs
Sponsor a bHive Development pack. Choose the pack that fits best with your brand; a sponsorship package can be tailored to suit.
Villages Pack
Process: Design, build, test, improve, launch
Villages: Join your neighbours and friends across town to message, post, set up sharing registers, for free local things like wheelbarrows, vegies, bikes, tools, camping gear and stuff, and organise projects.
bHive Tech back end: Identity, Reputation, Payments and database.
Launch Pack: $35K
Grow Pack: $25K
Stuff Share Packs
Process: Design, build, test, improve, launch
Bendigo Stuff Share: Post stuff to sell, or give away, or loan or for hard waste. Have it delivered. Transition to a Bendigo Delivery Coop.
bHive Tech back end: Identity, Reputation, Payments and database.
Launch Pack: $35K
Grow Pack: $25K
Events pack
- Innovation Labs
- bHive Hackathons
- Peer to Peer economy Speakers
- Host all bHive public events
Events Pack: $20K
Phase 2
We have identified a process to source a $900K investment round to build and launch platform for 20,000 members.
Ongoing Financials
$2.5b is spent in Bendigo annually and most of that leaves town. bHive is about keeping that money flowing here.
In ten years, with 20,000 members, bHive turnover will pass $10m/year, with an additional $2.5m/year raised for charity and $34m/year being generated by our member sharing services, creating local work, local income and local profit for thousands of local people.